Wednesday Wellness Identity

Published on 20 October 2022 at 09:56


Wednesday Wellness 

Happy wonderful Wednesday!
My first takeaway was that “we are the light at the end of the tunnel!” From KK. We can shine and make our lives bright!
Yesterday, in Unleash Her Power, we talked about identity! What is identity? Tony Robbins defines identity as the strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with defining ourselves. He used a thermostat to describe our current identity. We are a 68 comfort zone, when we get low, we try to get back! When we get high, like 98, we make ourselves fail (self-sabotage) to end up back where we started.
If we don’t know who we really are, we don’t know what decisions we need to make.
To change our identity and become who God created us to be, we need to change our state (mindset/identity). We can do this with Physiology, focus and language!
We can breathe ourselves in a good frame of physiology, (think of things that make us truly happy), choose to focus on good (focus=feeling), feeling controls our life, and use language that creates meaning and emotion and life that you want!
We did an exercise to show us that we can choose a moment in time that made us proud and remember how we felt and see the truest essence of ourselves - you unleashed! It was true! I was free to serve (help others accomplish desired outcome) and I felt like a roaring lion Here me roar!!!
Now, the mission is to remember that feeling and to try and find it everyday!!!
Wellness, true wellness starts with the mind and spirit! Breathe life into your day! Find your essence and become the YOU that God created you to be!


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